Tegrity Lecture Capture Updated

This summer, an upgrade was applied to the Tegrity Lecture Capture Service to add new features and capabilities, including new upload recording options
and iTunes U integration.  Student users will now be able to use a Kindle Fire to view and bookmark recordings, and view recording off-line with the Android App.  To see a complete list of new features, visit

To learn more about Tegrity, visit http://www.tegrity.com/product/instructors

Written by Susan Cherry

Why Use Snagit?

Snagit is a very powerful screen capture tool that is available for use on any Ferris owned computer (office or lab). Some of the things you can use Snagit for include:

  1. Gather inspiration for a project
  2. Show the TAC exactly what’s happening on your computer
  3. Create graphics for brochures or documents
  4. Hide sensitive information

And much, much more. Take advantage of our campus wide license of Snagit by learning more about how to use Snagit here

Written by Jody Gardei

Snagit 11 Now Available in FSU Software

The latest version of screen capture software, Snagit 11, is now available in FSU Software for Windows XP and Windows 7. If you have Snagit 10 installed on your computer, there is no need to remove it first. Anyone may run the Snagit 11 Self Service installer on any Ferris owned computer. Just click on the Self Service icon on the computer and select the Snagit 11 installation icon. Contact the TAC at X4822 if you need assistance. 

Increase Productivity By 5-10% Using Automation

Want to save time with running WebFOCUS reports and distributing them throughout your department? Take advantage of the WebFOCUS service called Report Caster. Reports
can be scheduled to run automatically at a specified time and automatically emailed to the members of your department who need them. Physical Plant did this with just three reports, and here’s what that customer said: “… Even though it might seem like a small deal…it will save me at least 30 minutes each week.  When you only work 10-12 hours each week as a part-timer, the minutes add up to big efficiency improvements!” 

For more information contact Rick Manuszak at manuszr@ferris.edu.

Written by Mike Cline

Introducing Software Self Service

Have you ever requested software to be installed on your computer? If so, you have probably experienced the process that takes place.  You would normally start by calling or emailing the TAC to get a work order created. Next, a technician would contact you and set up a time to install the software.  When you are available, the technician would either try to install it remotely or would show up in your office.  For some software titles there is a more convenient way.

Introducing Self Service! (Update 10/12/12: This service has been renamed to “FSU Software”)

Self Service is a portal that takes you to a selection of programs that can be legally installed on your computer.  You are able to access this portal through the ZEN Self Service icon on your Windows desktop (Figure 1 below) or through the Casper Self Service icon on your Mac OS dock (Figure 2 below).  The programs found in Self Service have been purchased by the University or are free and have been prepackaged for installation on your computer.  You will not need to know any serial number or license key to install these programs. 

By using the Self Service portal and installing the programs found there yourself, you will save time waiting for someone to show up or to launch the installer remotely.  You can also install the programs at your leisure and when it is MOST convenient for you.
Self Service is all about servicing your needs at your convenience!

Written by Randy Shanks

Snagit – Available Campus Wide

Snagit is a full-featured screen capture program that allows you to take a snapshot of virtually any item displayed on your screen.  Whether you need to capture a small area or an entire window, Snagit is just a click away.  Snagit also allows you to export your screen captures to virtually any other program so you can easily merge your images into other documents or share them through an email.
Snagit also has built in editing tools so you customize your screen capture to make it exactly how you want it.  Adding styles and effects, callouts, notes, and laying or combining several images together are just a few of the integrated features. Snagit also features organizational tools to help you keep track of all your images.
Snagit will be available for Ferris-owned computers through FSU Software on Monday, February 13, 2012 and is compatible with Windows XP and above, and Mac OS X 10.5.8 and above. For more information on this software, please visit: http://www.techsmith.com/snagit.

What is iCloud?

Apple has recently released their new operating system which is called Lion. You may have heard the term “cloud” in some of the new commercials from computer companies, but what is it?

Simply put, the term “Cloud” means instead of storing your information on the device , it is transferred to a server and is available on any device that has Internet connectivity.  Apple’s approach to the “cloud” is a service they call “iCloud”.  With this, you can share all of your media between all of your Apple devices such as iPad, iPhone, iPod and your Mac computer.  For example, if you have an iPhone and took a picture while you were out, within seconds that picture will be immediately accessible from your home computer and any other Apple devices that you may have because it is stored on Apple’s company servers rather than on your phone. The hassle of synching your media with all your devices is now a thing of the past because of the “cloud”.

Written by Josh Cochran

What New Project is ITS Rolling Out Now?

This past month the ITS department completed a new project called mPower Integrator.

So, what is mPower Integrator?

The mPower Integrator project was rolled out for the General Services department.  It is a software package to allow GIS (Geographic Information Systems) special information to be shared across all business units on the main campus that includes a topographical overlay. It accesses information collected in multiple systems into a single screen.  mPower Integrator is a solution that will help Ferris manage, maintain, and monitor our GIS data. It will also enable us to share and distribute GIS and emergency management data with other departments quickly.

To see other projects ITS are working on, please go to this link.

Written By Jim Cook

Adobe Acrobat Professional & TechSmith Snag-It! Now Available!

We now have enough Adobe Acrobat Professional licensing available for every employee at the university.  In addition, we have enough Snag-It! licenses to place on every university owned computer. If you are interested in either of these titles, please call the Technology Assistance Center. Future employee computer replacement software loads will include both titles and eventually all classroom and lab software loads will include Snag-It! If you have questions or would like more information, please call 231-591-4822.

Using the AddThis Toolbar

Have you ever noticed icons like the ones above and wondered, “What do those do?” In fact, you have probably seen them hundreds of times before as you navigate the web looking for research, fun facts or even work related websites. These icons are part of a web tool that lets users instantly share, print, post, or tweet just about anything on the web.

The company Clearspring developed this tool bar to allow greater ease of sharing content across various platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Digg.com, and many more,through a single access bar that can be customized for each user. For instance, if you want to share a page with Facebook, you simply click the Facebook icon and you post is created, awaiting your approval…try it!

Don’t see the icon you want? You can add an icon by moving your cursor over the Orange Plus sign at the end of the toolbar and a menu should pop down that lets you browse some of the tools available. If you still don’t see what you want, you can see even more shortcuts by selecting “More…” in the Plus Menu and looking for desired application.To customize the tools you see in the Plus Menu, you can use the “Settings” button in the lower left corner. Here you can add up to 10 services that you frequently use or may use.
These tools are useful, versatile, and flexible, so even if you don’t think you will use them, it may be good practice to give them a practice run because you may see them much more in the near future.