Writing Effective Emails

Picture of effective email

Here are 7 simple rules to follow when writing an email:

1. Use a credible email address.
  • Someone may not open your email based on your email address, and make judgments about your credibility.

2. Write short emails.

  • Short, sweet, to the point! People like short things to read, not long lengthy paragraphs.  

  • Each new thought or idea should start a new paragraph.

3. Limit your email to a single subject.

  • Gives the recipient a chance to digest and respond to the subject before moving along to a new one.

4. Make clear requests.

  • Summarize at the end of the email, use bullet points, and state the action you would like the recipient to take.

5. Honor requests from others.

  • Don’t ignore a direct request in an email, it affects trustworthiness.
  • Acknowledge them, even if all you’re saying is, “I’ll get back to you on that” (provided that you do).

6. Acknowledge receipt of emails.

  • Let your sender know that you’ve gotten their email (maybe eve thank them for it), even if you aren’t able to respond to it right away.
  • People expect a response within 24 hours.

7. Don’t write for yourself, write for your reader.

  • Make use of text links to provide them with background information (this helps keep emails short).
  • Stay away from jargon, unless the reader knows the jargon.
  • Use inline or attached images sparingly.
  • Use emoticons sparingly.
  • Put yourself in the reader’s place: “What would I need to know in order to understand this?”

Finally, be nice and remember that everything you send over the internet might someday be made public!

Written by Emily Tiesenga

Summarized from: 

How to Open a URL in Lotus Notes Using the Default Browser

Ever click on a URL that is in a Lotus Notes email and wish that it would open using your default web browser (Internet Explorer or FireFox)? There is a setting available within Lotus Notes to change this.

From within Lotus Notes click on the file menu and then Preferences in the drop down list.  Choose the Web Browser option from the left hand side of the window and then select the radio button for the option to “Use the browser I have set as the default for this operating system.”  Then click OK. The next time you click on a legitimate web URL in an email it will use your operating systems default web browser.

Written By:  Mike Johnson

iNotes, It Really Is That Good!

Ever been in MyFSU reading your email and wonder why you can’t see any folders?  Which icon should I click? Why can’t I do this in the web version of Lotus Notes through MyFSU?

Does this sound familiar? It’s enough to make someone want to go back to snail mail!

But wait, there is a better solution. It is called iNotes.

iNotes is available through this link: http://fsunotes1.ferris.edu/ on almost any Internet browser.

Please note your iNotes password is not the same as the one on your office computer. Call the TAC if you do not know your iNotes password and need to have it reset.

With iNotes anyone can access their Lotus Notes account from anywhere and have the benefits of having important features such as the personal address book, calendar, and folders.

This may sound to good to be true, but it’s not! Try it out and see for yourself!

Written by Frank Sturm

Lotus Notes Available for Mobile Devices

Information Technology Services is pleased to announce that Lotus Notes traveler has been fully implemented at FSU! Now iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows mobile devices can be setup to receive Lotus Notes. This ability coupled with our existing BlackBerry infrastructure will allow most devices to be connected to Lotus Notes.

If you would like to learn more about Lotus Notes Traveler or BlackBerry Enterprise server please visit the Telecommunications website or contact TAC at x4822.