Updated Newsletter

The FSU Tech Connect newsletter has gotten a facelift. We have moved the newsletter from it’s old location on BlogSpot to WordPress and have updated the look and feel to provide a more updated and relevant source of news regarding ITS. The newsletter will begin with new monthly content starting in December. In conjunction with updating the newsletter, TAC has launched a social media presence on Facebook and Twitter to open the communication avenues that are popular with todays technology. The TAC Facebook page can be found by searching for Ferris State University Technology Assistance Center in Facebook or by going to This Link. You can also follow the TAC Twitter account here. These social media resources will provide an updated way to communicate with the Ferris community about IT related news and updates at Ferris and in the IT industry. And as always, if you have a topic that you would like to see added to the newsletter, please don’t hesitate to pass it along. You can send those ideas and suggestions to: tac@ferris.edu and put Tech Connect Newsletter Idea in the subject.

Reassuring Our Customers

Knock Your Socks Off Customer Service image

Everyone wants to be assured that the people they come in contact with are capable of helping them. Some may call in with a preconceived idea of the type of customer service they will receive. It is our job to reassure you that we can and will help.

The following are a set of reassurance factors that TAC staff follow to help create trust with you, our customers.

1. Organizational Knowledge: We strive to know who to contact next if we are unable to fix your problem and to use the procedures put in place to make sure your needs are addressed properly.

2. Product Knowledge: We do not claim to know everything about every product, but we do know a lot about the products we deal with. We will find out the answer to anything we don’t know.

3. Listening Skills: It is our policy to give each customer our undivided attention. We may ask questions along the way; this is to ensure that we have the information necessary to resolve the problem.

We want your experience with TAC be a good one. We do our best to create a positive experience for every customer.

Written By
Carrie Hall

What Does Reliability Mean to TAC?

Picture of Knock Your Socks Off

Reliability is an important part of customer service. We know customers’ want to work with someone they feel they can depend on. We know the customers’ also want to have confidence in our ability to help them. In the Technology Assistance Center (TAC) reliability to us is our ability to
provide what was promised, dependably and accurately.

In TAC we try our best to follow these guidelines:

1. We do not answer the customer with “I don’t know!” Instead we say “I am not sure, but I will find out.”

2. We know where to direct customers who need further assistance.

3. We keep our promises. If we tell a customer, “I will be right back,” we make an appointment, or make any kind of personal promise we keep it!

4. We do our best to be accurate. Although we want to be quick, being accurate is most important. We do not want a customer to call back because the problem was not taken care of the first time.

Being reliable is a priority to the TAC staff.

Written By Carrie Hall

Got an Idea of How ITS Can Improve?

The Information Technology department is always looking for better ways to improve your experience with Ferris State’s technology services. So, we’ve set up an IT Services Feedback Forum that will serve as another tool to link communication between faculty, staff, and IT.

Currently, our main goal is to gather your ideas for quick wins to improve your daily technology experience and/or your technology support experience with IT
Services. We encourage you to explore the topics, view posts, and submit any of your own suggestions, but not to use this forum as a replacement for work orders.

You can post your own ideas, or use the “vote up” or “vote down” system that allows you to agree or disagree with previously submitted statements. This way, the most frequently made comments will be available for your viewing in a prioritized order, and also, it will show us which issues are of the highest importance.

We will respond to the entries to let you know if we can make the requested changes, as well as supply you with a timeframe for those potential changes.

To access the forum, go to the www.ferris.edu/techsupport site, and select the IT Communication tab within the navigation menu at the top. You will see a Feedback button—just click it and you are on your way! 

You will have access to all the posts and threads after you login using an existing account from popular sites such as Facebook or Gmail, or once you create a new, free account (we suggest just using your Ferris email address as the account). Check back often because more topics will be added for you to submit your responses to.

If you have any questions, please give us a call, or use the Contact Us link on the forum site.

Written by Susan Cherry